Cooking in Clare's Kitchen

Published 10th July 2o10

At last we will have a unique comprehensive tropical reference cookbook like no other on the market, nationally or internationally. And it's all down to the persistent work of one local lady, Clare Richards.

After moving to north Australia 8 years ago and searching in vain for a reference cookbook that could guide her in the use of tropical produce, Clare decided to research and create the cookbook herself. Tropical Cuisine: Cooking in Clare’s Kitchen is the result.

I have been privy to some afternoons of test tastings at Clare’s kitchen where her confident use of tropical produce in her creative yet simplistic recipes have delighted her guests. These soirees’s have also doubled as the photographic session where Port Douglas photographer Alison George has captured some beautiful images for the book.

More than 350 pages in full colour, with information on over 70 lesser known but available tropical produce, Clare has including instructions on how to select, store, prepare and cook produce in over 200 recipes. Duck with Lychee Salad, Fettuccini with Fresh Pippis from Cairns beaches, Coconut & Tapioca Pancakes; a gluten free mix, to name a few, all with Clare’s personal narrative about the recipes, as with our feature recipe for a healthy breakfast that will sustain your energy throughout the morning.

Clare’s book is the first of what will be a series of comprehensive reference cookbooks, progressively exploring more of the produce that our tropical Australian gardens and farms have to offer in recipes drawn from the rich array of cuisines from the tropical zones of the world.

There are some lovely local cookbooks on the market but this book is different in that it is the first reference tropical cookbook for all lovers of our unique produce grown and used in the region. Tropical Cuisine: Cooking in Clare’s Kitchen is due to be released in October 2010 just in time for Christmas.

For more information go to

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